
By Aneron Kepasil

Varicose veins occur when the valves in veins which prevent blood from flowing backwards stop working and blood causes veined to swell and turn black or blue. This process will happen most often in the legs which are subject to higher amounts of pressure when standing than other parts of the body. Varicose veins can cause a great deal of pain specifically when standing and walking. Scratching varicose veins, which are usually itchy can cause ulcers. Typical varicose veins surgery involves stripping the veins to remove effected tissue. This article will seek to explore several non-surgical answers to the aesthetic and medical problems that varicose veins impose on our lives.

If the problem is just beginning a natural way to be able to relieve the long term issue of spider veins is by exercise. If the issue has been untreated for a while exercise may be counterproductive though. If you are going to go about this particular natural method of treating this problem you are also going to want to elevate your legs after exercise. This will help prevent the swelling and discomfort afterward.

While there are no medical treatments to prevent the causes of spider veins there are a number effective ways to get rid of them. There are laser techniques and injections that are effective but can be very costly and require follow up treatments. More and more people are turning to alternative medicine and experimenting with natural techniques and medicines to combat the causes of spider veins.

Natural treatments that contain high levels of anthocyanidins and anti-oxidants will help strengthen the smaller blood capillaries in the body. The bilberry plant is one form of varicose vein treatment . So, if you choose this strange looking plant as your varicose vein treatment , be advised that bilberry can bring on skin rashes, stomach aches, and drowsiness. Be advised that over use of bilberry as a tea or otherwise can have serious consequences.

The first alternative to varicose vein surgery is sclerotherapy which is a medical process when a chemical is injected in to veins to reduce swelling. Ultrasound is also used in this type of procedure to see the vein and let the doctor monitor the injection.

When it gets right down to hitting a home run, and you're looking for that natural ingredient pill you can just swallow and say: to heck with it, this will work, think: Venovil Capsules. Venovil is a natural and safe varicose vein treatment, and is meant to be taken as a dietary supplement. Its main focus is to reduce swelling and strengthen vein walls.

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